Posts tagged ‘robotics’

Technology and us

The world is changing. We may not notice it because we continue to buy our things at the local grocery store, we still talk by phone with our friends and family, and TV continues transmitting crappy programs. But, wasn’t the world changing? Where is the difference? After all, if our lives are described in such a way, they can be easily compared with the 70’s, 80’s or 90’s. Or not?

Let’s see. The Space program is still being questioned, there is still a war in some part of the world, Castro continues in power and terrorism still lurks the globe (notice that if we sum all of these things, we have our daily news). Is there something that’s been evading us?

The truth is that yes. We may not notice consciously, but little by little, small differences started to make minuscule changes through out the planet, generating a wave of changes that have penetrated every single human being.

Consider this. Not long ago, Sony was a corporation whose income depended solely on the sale of electronic appliances such as televisions, VCR’s, radios and walkmans. Today, their audio and video line is but a fraction of their real source of revenue: console entertainment. It’s name: Playstation.

In the 80’s there were hundreds of thousands of console players. In the new century, they can be counted by the millions. Enormous amounts of people have been seduced by the level of profundity of these games. And let’s not talk about multiplayer online games. There are millions playing them, paying each month for some time in an alternative reality.

Another interesting technology that is on the brink of revolution is robotics. In the 1980’s, Honda started to show to the world their robot Asimo. It must be noted that it is just a coincidence that his name is similar to the science fiction writer, Isaac Asimov, who is the creator of the three laws of robotics. You may find more about them in a recent movie: I, Robot.

The first Asimo walked slowly and its battery didn’t last for long. But the model that is used today can run and move with human grace. Of course, running robots may still not be practical today, but their brothers are quite a success in the market. Right now, over 1’000,000 robotic vacuum cleaners have been sold in the world and it is expected that this number will rise even more in the future.

Another example are robotic pets. Sony’s Aibo was introduced in 1999 and since then, it has gone through a series of advances, especially in the realm of Artificial Intelligence (A.I.). Other robotic pets are Paro and Wakamaru. The first one is a robotic baby seal, used at hospitals and nursing homes for pet therapy. The other one was designed as a companion for the elder and the disabled.

Suddenly, the world is transforming itself into the story of a science fiction writer. Online communities, robots, space tourists and alternative energies are starting to become part of our life. Of course, there are some advances that are still into the future, like supersonic jets (there are still some problems with their design which makes them unprofitable) and colonies on the moon (the cost of launching cargo to space is still too expensive).

So, what can you do about it? Should you start playing online games? Many people think that spending thousands of dollars in consumer electronics will solve their problems. Actually, it worsens it. Technology is a capricious lady. What was hip today is considered obsolete tomorrow. The latest cell phone and the quickest notebook can be junk in two or three years.

After a experience like that, who wants to climb the technological wagon? After all, if it is a matter of wasting your money, you could do better things with it, like taking a cruise through the Mediterranean. But the truth is that there is a wiser way to make use of technology. How? By customizing it to our needs.

For example, let’s say that you have always liked to invest your money in the stock market. Why don’t you use the internet? You may find that the level of information that the internet can offer you is much richer than the one found in physical mediums, like the financial section of the local newspaper.

Another example; there are people who like to paint miniatures. Sometimes, they even sell them to a friend or through a local store. With the net, you may access the online auction store, Ebay. Suddenly, you will find yourself connected to a national market, breaking the geographical barriers of your location.

What about cell phones? Do not go for the most expensive one. They are usually full of gadgets (like a video camera or a port for more memory) that you won’t use. Start with the most basic one. And, if you find yourself in the necessity of having a better model, change it after a year. After all, cell phones do not last for long. They may even be considered disposable goods.

Technology is already part of our culture, but the level with which we may embrace it should be determined by our necessities. They can be economical, cultural or social. Either way, each person should determine what he is going to buy or how much is he willing to invest. After all, the idea is to feel happy and comfortable with your new acquisition.

October 24, 2008 at 5:23 am Leave a comment

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